Do you know why the steering wheel of vehicles in America is on the left, while in our country it is on the right?

Do you know why the steering wheel of vehicles in America is on the left, while in our country it is on the right?
There are many different groups of people living in different countries around the world. They all live according to their beliefs, customs, and practices. However, not only individuals, but also countries in the world and many regions within them have various rules and regulations. To live in those places, you have to follow the rules and regulations there. Driving is one of such rules. Have you ever noticed..? In some countries, vehicles are driven on the right side of the road. In our country, vehicles are driven on the left side of the road. Why is there so much difference? Why is driving not the same in all regions? Do you know..? Let’s see why now.
That is not the case now. It was in the year 1700. Back then, there were no vehicles like the ones we have today. Only horses were used for transportation. They rode on them. However, before riding on horses, people used to get on them from the left side. Because most people were right-handed. In addition, since people used swords a lot at that time, people would keep them on their left side. In this order, if you mount a horse from the right side, you would have problems with the sword, so you would mount it from the left side. Even after mounting, they started traveling on the left side of the road. That was convenient for them at that time.
Later, between 1756 and 1773, horse-drawn carriages entered the scene. But even then, people traveled on the left side of the road. Before that, in the year 1300, the then Pope Boniface VIII told people to travel on the left side of the road. Even the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians traveled on the left side of the road. In 1756, the government of the time ordered that people should travel on the left side of the road on London Bridge. With this, they said that this method was convenient and they started traveling on the left side of the road there too.
However, in some countries like America, people are very accustomed to traveling on the right side of the road. With this, in 1915, Henry Ford placed the driver’s seat on the left side of his cars. In this order, such cars were suitable for traveling on the right side of the road. All countries are following the same driving system, saying that the American system is better. However, in India, unlike that, people still drive on the left side of the road. Because the British had the same system, they ruled our country, so their system was implemented here too. It was not changed again after that. So, that’s the real thing about the left and right driving system!
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