Indian Army Recruitment: Salary And Selection Process For Pandits, Maulvis And Pastors

The Indian Army conducts annual recruitment drives to fill vacancies for soldiers and officers across various ranks and specialisations.Prestigious examinations like the UPSC NDA, CDS, and Agniveer serve as entry points for aspiring candidates.

Beyond combat roles, the army also recruits for essential support services. These include trades like washerman and barber, ensuring the well-being and hygiene of the soldiers. Additionally, religious teachers are also an integral part of the army, responsible for maintaining the religious traditions of their respective regiments or units, providing spiritual guidance and support to the soldiers.

Religious teachers in the Army hold the Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) rank. The army conducts an annual recruitment drive for religious teachers. The recruitment process encompasses various religious denominations, including Pandits, Granthis, Maulvis (with separate positions for Shia and Sunni Muslims), Pastors, and Buddhist Monks.

Work of Religious Teachers in the Army:

  • To conduct religious functions within regiments of the Indian Army.
  • To foster unity and maintain high morale among soldiers.
  • To impart spiritual teachings that promote the mental well-being of soldiers.
  • To offer prayers for the soldiers.
  • To administer oaths to soldiers in accordance with their respective religions.

Eligibility for the Post of Religious Teacher in the Army:

Age Limit: The age limit for this position is 27 to 34 years.

Educational qualifications:

Pandit and Pandit (Gorkha):

Candidates should be Hindu and possess a Shastri/Acharya degree in Sanskrit. Rituals should have been a main/core subject during their Shastri/Acharya studies, or candidates should have completed a one-year diploma in rituals.


Candidates must be Sikh and have graduated in any subject, along with possessing proficiency in Punjabi.


To become a Maulvi in the army, Muslim candidates should be graduates in any subject and hold an Alim qualification in Arabic or be an Adib-e-Mahir/Urdu expert.


Christian candidates can apply and must be graduates in any subject. They must have received priesthood from the relevant church authority and be on the approved list of their local bishop.

Buddhist Monk:

Buddhist candidates can apply and must be graduates in any subject. Additionally, the individual should have been appointed as a monk/Buddhist priest by an appropriate authority, which refers to the head priest of the monastery where they were ordained. The head priest should hold a Geshe (PhD) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rajbam, along with the relevant certificate from the monastery.

Selection process:

The recruitment process for a religious teacher (JCO) in the army comprises three stages. Initially, candidates undertake a written examination (CEE). Successful candidates then proceed to a physical and medical test. Finally, there is an interview.

Religious Teacher JCO Salary in Indian Army:

Religious teacher JCOs in the Indian Army receive a salary according to the pay scale of Rs 35,400-1,12,400, along with various allowances.IRCTC website briefly crashes during Tatkal rush, third outage this month

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