Health: Men Over 50 With Enlarged Prostates Are Warned by a Doctor: Kidney failure could be a possibility for you.

Health: Men Over 50 With Enlarged Prostates Are Warned by a Doctor: Kidney failure could be a possibility for you.
If left untreated, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, can pose serious health hazards. See what our doctor has to say by reading on.Reaching 60 is a significant milestone that brings with it a multitude of life events.
However, it may also present some unwanted physical difficulties. Did you know that an enlarged prostate affects 50% of males in this age range? Not only can BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) cause painful urination and frequent trips to the bathroom, but it can also cause major consequences, such as renal failure, if treatment is not received. Your quality of life may change significantly if you take care of your health today.
Risky Kidneys: BPH Signs And Severity
Between the bladder and the penis is a little gland called the prostate that is roughly the size of a walnut. It is around the tube that removes pee from your body, the urethra. Urine may find it difficult to travel through the urethra if the prostate swells up as a result of BPH. Serious problems, such as kidney failure, may result from this.
The indicators are
Feeling queasy,
Legs, foot, and ankles swelling
decreased production of urine
You could lose your life if you ignore this.
Tips To Bring Down Risk Of BPH
Taking care of your prostate gland is easier than you think. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that can decrease the risk of kidney failure caused by BPH
Maintain A Healthy Weight
In India, 2.6 crore men are obese, yet very few know that it can harm the health of their prostate. Obesity sets off a chain reaction in the body, leading to issues like increased intra-abdominal pressure, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, and oxidative stress. The combined effect of these factors creates greater risks of developing BPH.
Follow The Mediterranean Diet
You can support a healthy prostate without relying on vitamins. The Mediterranean diet includes rich green leafy vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats from sources such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, moderate amounts of seafood, and low amounts of dairy and red meat.
Keep Red Meat Away From Your Plate
Avoid eating red meat regularly. It has been associated with PhIP, a chemical compound released when red meat is charred, which can cause an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Say No To A Sedentary Lifestyle
With busy schedules, many of us don’t prioritize healthy eating or staying active. Here’s something to think about sitting around too much might be hurting your prostate health. Just by walking for about 2 to 3 hours a week, men can reduce their risk of BPH by as much as 25 per cent.To maintain a healthy prostate, you should exercise daily.
Treatment Options With Reduced Pain And Short Hospital Stays
People think that surgery is the only way to treat BPH. However, without making large cuts and scarring tissues of your body and with reduced hospital stays, you can get treated. Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive procedure performed by Interventional Radiologists, they insert a small tube through the artery present in your thigh or wrist.
Moving X-rays help Interventional Radiologists in navigating the tube into the blood vessel that feeds the prostate. After that, the IR injects small beads through that tube which helps decrease the prostate’s blood supply and, as a result, the prostate shrinks.