Joe Biden is worst President in US history: Trump goes ballistic over Open Border Policy

Launching a scathing attack on outgoing President Joe Biden, US President-elect Donald Trump said that Biden is the worst president in the history of the United States.

Trump, who was commenting on Open Border Policy, said the US has become a ‘disaster, a laughing stock’ all over the world due to ‘open borders’. Trump added that the Department of Justice (DoJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Democrat state did not do their jobs.

In a post on X, Trump them incompetent and corrupt, Trump alleges that these agencies spent their time ‘unlawfully’ attacking him instead of protecting the American people from violence inside and outside the country. Trump added that ‘violent scum’ entered all aspects of the US government and in the US itself.


“Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen to our Country. The CIA must get involved, NOW, before it is too late. The USA is breaking down – A violent erosion of Safety, National Security, and Democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it. See you on January 20th” Trump said.

Trump further added that the CIA needs to act before its too late, as he said, “The USA is breaking down – A violent erosion of Safety, National Security, and Democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it. See you on January 20th.”Kolar Bandh Today: City-Wide Shutdown On Jan 3 Over Amit Shah’s Comments On Ambedkar

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